Well hello there! Long time no see! The past few months have been busy and exciting! I can’t believe we’re starting to close down the school year- only 28 more school days!!! To catch you up on the month of April, I’m starting this new monthly series, sharing SNAPSHOTS of the month!

The first snapshot actually happened in March, but I can’t help but share it! My friend Esther came over to teach Alyssa (another friend and housemate) and I how to make CHAPATI!! In return, we taught her how to make banana bread and brownies. Chapati is like a tortilla- only thicker, with a different flavor, and it takes longer to make. But it is so worth it, because it is like heaven in your mouth! I’m so excited to finally learn how to make it, and you better believe there are many chapati parties going to happen this summer when I’m home!!

Next, we celebrated Easter in my classroom! Our spring break was April 7-17, so the first week of April was the only chance to learn about and celebrate Easter at school before it came! We took communion as a class (mango juice and bread) and went through the whole Easter story. This brought up many questions about heaven- five-year-olds having theological discussions is pretty awesome!!

At the end of the week, we made these watercolor art pieces. They looked so great hanging on our wall! I loved sharing the Easter story with my littles – it was a powerful time to teach them about God’s powerful love and victory over sin and the grave!!

We started Spring Break off with a day of fun! 🙂 Alyssa and I visited some of our friends- we taught them card games, brought banana bread and samosas, and got to hang out with this sweet little one!

I had the opportunity to travel to Nairobi, Kenya for a quick visit with my high school friend, Sarah! It’s an 8-hour bus ride away, but was so worth it! I loved hanging out with her, and visiting somewhere new!!

We went to the Elephant Orphanage…

Hiked in a forest with a waterfall…

Visited a neat bead shop…

And, I gotta tell ya, after being in Tanzania for 8+ months, it felt like Little America at times!! We got sushi, went to a couple of malls, and had Coldstone ice cream and Subway!! (It’s the little things!)
I returned to Moshi the day before Easter and celebrated with my “framily” here (friends who’ve become like family). I missed my family back home, as holidays are always special, but we celebrated here with worship, a potluck lunch, and Easter fun for the kids!

When we returned to school, we had “Dapper Day” – a fun formal dress-up day! The kids looked ADORABLE!

We’ve also been invaded by ants this month!! The rainy season has finally arrived, but all the bugs have now come out of hiding. We have ants living above and below our house, and every couple days they have come into our house. We now have a system down for when this happens, and end up killing a few hundred bugs each time! SO GROSS…thankfully we will have an exterminator come this week to take care of the problem!

My friends and I went fabric shopping this week in town to get some kitenge (African fabric) to make some dresses and skirts!! Here’s a look at one of the shops- fabric piled high in every nook and cranny!

It’s been an awesome month! Thanks for reading and following along! Stay tuned for something EXCITING coming next week!!