After waking up at 4 am this morning (Sunday), and trying to fall back asleep for an hour, I gave in, and got up! Just made myself a pot of coffee, putting on some Elevation Worship, and thought I’d share with you!

I cannot believe how fast time has flown by this summer. I say this every year, and you would think I would be used to it by now, but I’m not. I know it’s time to go back to Tanzania, and I am EXCITED! But, that doesn’t mean it is sad to leave family, friends, and home! Before I get into my reflection and update, here’s a short video showing you snippets of life in Tanzania:
This summer has been refreshing and life-giving. It has stretched me to step outside my comfort zone in different ways, and I’m so glad I did! After quite a long year, (this was the first year I didn’t leave East Africa for the full 10 months) I was more than ready to come home and see my family!!

We had some great times together, and I am so thankful for them! I could not be more excited for my brother Collin, and sister-in-LOVE Keirstyn, as they will be welcoming their first baby into the world in November! I get to be an Auntie! It’s been fun to talk to them as they look forward and prepare for this new adventure. And of course, feeling that sweet babe kicking is so fun too! That being said, it will be so hard not being here for the birth. I am so thankful I will have the opportunity to fly back to the US for a quick 2 weeks over Christmas, to spend the holidays with my family, and get some quality time with the baby! I am so blessed to be able to do this! Thank you Jesus!

I had the opportunity to go down to Grand Lake in Oklahoma with the fam again this summer for a week. It was BEAUTIFUL and RESTFUL, as always! I think my favorite part was hanging out in the boat or on the dock- either chatting or sitting with each other reading!

Another super exciting event that is happening this week, is one of my best friends (we were classmates in fifth grade, and friends since!) is getting married! She specifically scheduled her wedding so I can be there!! I’m so happy to be able to be one of her bridesmaids, and stand with her on this momentous day!

I’ve also been busy raising funds for this next year of teaching and missions in Tanzania! God is so faithful! He unlocked several doors that I stretched myself to open, and He has provided in so many ways! From a friend who gave me her old iPhone 6 with a cracked screen, so I only had to pay $100 for a new phone instead of $350+, to new monthly supporters, and opportunities to speak at the Womens Bible Study and Kids Church at my church, hold an open house, and much more. He is my Provider! I am trusting that He will continue to take care of all my needs!!

I’ve been reflecting on my word for the year- IMMERSE – and how I can continue to grow myself in ways of immersing. Being “all there”, wherever I am. Immersing myself in the presence of the Lord. Immersing myself deeper in my relationships. Immersing myself in Him so He will be glorified!

Looking forward to this new year, I am excited! I get to teach and live another year with my friend Alyssa. And we have two more teachers joining us in Tanzania. I can’t wait to see all my friends in Tanzania, and continue to do life with them and deepen my relationships. I look forward to learning more Swahili. And I’m thrilled to be teaching!

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my summers off! I love not having to be in charge of 15 littles every day, and having time to myself. But, I was born a teacher! And as I start looking at how I want to run my classroom, how I can set it up to be most beneficial to my little learners, and how I get to love and nurture these sweet kids from around the world, I can’t help but be excited and happy! I am actually teaching a new grade, or grades, this year! As soon as I know for sure what that will look like, I’ll happily share with you. But I so look forward to what this year will bring!

If you’ve made it to this part of my blog post, you’re awesome! I am thankful for YOU – for your love and support. It means the world to me, and I couldn’t do what I do without you! As I prepare for my fourth season and year in Tanzania, I would be so grateful for your support!! Here’s what that may look like:

PRAYER – Our prayers are POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE! I would love your prayers – over the school, for divine appointments to share the Gospel with those around me, for health and safety, and for God’s continued guidance as a teacher and missionary in Tanzania. Also, I’m taking a page out of a teacher friend’s book – I would LOVE for you to pray for my students!! Like I said, I don’t know exactly what grade I’ll be teaching, but as soon as I have my class list, I would love to send you one student to pray for this year! I would love for each of my students to be covered in prayer. If you would be willing to pray for one of my students this year, please comment below with your email address, and I will send you the name of one of my students in a couple weeks! I would love it!!

GIVING – I am so thankful for God’s provision, that I get to do what I’m doing, and be His hands and feet in Tanzania. I would so appreciate your support, if you feel led to give to my mission. Your support will go towards my living expenses, classroom supplies, health insurance, and giving to the churches and people in Tanzania. Every dollar counts, and helps me reach my goal of $10,000 for the year! If you feel called to support me financially, here’s how (click the image to go to the link):

Thank you so much for your support, in all areas. I cannot do what I’m doing without you! I pray God blesses you abundantly for the blessing you are to me and others! I will continue to share with you throughout this year here on my blog, but if you would like a special email newsletter, I’ll be sending it out quarterly! You can sign up here:
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(credit: Amanda Batterson) |
I can’t wait for what God has in store for this year!!
Serving Him,