There are countless adventures to have in and around Moshi, Tanzania, where I live. One, in particular, is Marangu Falls. A couple of months ago, a group of my friends and I went to the Marangu Waterfalls (which is an hour or two outside of Moshi). It is a BEAUTIFUL place, and the falls are very cold, but refreshing! It was a great day of getting out of the norm, and having an adventure!

We started at the top of the falls. Everyone was taking in the view!

And then…we went to Narnia! Okay, not really, but we did walk down through this really cool tree branch tunnel for a few minutes! It was so intriguing, and totally looks like something out of a fairy tale!

When we got down the stairway, we came out to see this beautiful view! How gorgeous is this?!

We got in the water and climbed through the falls! The water was so frigid it was hard to breathe! But it was so much fun! It was also very refreshing, since the Tanzanian heat can be very intense!

We also went exploring through the foresty-jungle around the falls!

I hope you enjoyed coming along with me to Marangu Falls! It was so much fun to get out and explore somewhere new! I love living in a place with so many hidden gems, and so much beautiful creation!
Where have you been lately that’s new to you? I’d love to hear about your adventures!!
Much Love, Allie