Happy AUGUST everyone!! Guess what?!?! It’s my birthday month!! Yipee! It’s also the month when I get to go back to Tanzania, and prepare to start this 2015 school year teaching kindergarten! It’s going to be a fabulous month, and I’m kicking it off with Farley’s Currently Link-Up!!!

Listening ~ I love HGTV! I go between HGTV and Food Network for background noise!
Loving~ #teacherslovesummer I’m loving spending time with friends and family while I can
Thinking ~ I’ll be back in Tanzania in two weeks AND it’ll be my birthday!! WOOHOO!
Wanting ~ I’m struggling with fitting everything I want to bring back to Tanzania with me in two suitcases! I know I’m going to have to take the $200 plunge to bring a third suitcase- I wish I didn’t have to worry about that!
Needing ~ I’ve been checking quite a bit off my to-do list, but I’m also adding more. The pressure is on…as I leave in 11 days! #craziness
B2S RAK ~ My back-to-school random act of kindness is going to be a small treat for all the other teachers I work with! Most of them will be new to Tanzania, so I’m hoping to make and bring something small but fun for them!
Thank you to the lovely Farley for hosting this link-up every month! I always look forward to it!

Make sure you come back tomorrow, as I’ll be linking up with Angie and Ashley for their #2getherwearebetter linky, all about bulletin boards! I will be sharing my ideas for those of us who DON’T have actual bulletin boards! See you then!

Much Love, Allie