100th Day of School Activity: Dressing Up
Dress like you’re 100 years old!

Students came in with hats, glasses, cardigans, walking sticks, collared shirts, baby powder in their hair. It looked like I had a class of 100-year-olds instead of 10-year-olds! The student who took the cake though had his parents shave the top of his head, so it looked like he was balding!! HILARIOUS!!
Make a shirt with 100 things on it!

100th Day of School Activity: Morning Meeting
100th Day of School Activity: Centers
100th Day of School Task Cards

100th Day STEM Challenges
100th Day Writing Projects

You can also have students use 100 words exactly to write a letter to someone (or a poem) or write about the 100 places they want to visit. You can also give them the prompt of what would life be like if we lived 100 years ago or who would you bring for dinner if you could bring 100 people, dead or alive?!
A fun extension of the writing is having the students record themselves reading their writing as a video in Chatterpix or another app. It adds a technology piece to the project and keeps them engaged in their writing longer!

Other 100th Day of School Activities