We went on a “dinosaur bone” dig!! I made bones out of salt dough, buried them in the sandbox, and we went out and dug them up! The students were SO excited to find the bones, and I taught them the word paleontologist and told them that’s what they were! They had so much fun, discovering and exploring!

We also played Dino Bingo, used playdough to make dino eggs and did some simple adding and taking away. We had to do the Koo Koo Kangaroo Dinosaur Stomp brain break too!!
I also look for music to use for the transitions, that goes with our theme, and this was a favorite!
There are SO many more awesome Dinosaur-themed activities out there, (THANK YOU PINTEREST) but I hope you can use a handful of these in your classroom! Let me know in the comments what your favorite dinosaur activities are! Make sure you grab my Dinosaur Label and Color for it’s sale price too!!