I have about 5 and a half weeks until I finish up my second year here in Tanzania, and leave for the U.S. for furlough! I will be returning in August for year three as a teacher and missionary here, which I’m very excited about! This week, I thought I would take you with me, and let you see Moshi, Tanzania through my eyes. I’ll be posting every day this week, showing you life here! It’ll be a fun way to share where I call home with you!!

Not gonna lie, I totally forgot to take any pictures this morning before 9 am! I feel like my mind takes a while to wake up on Mondays, and as soon as I get to school in the morning (around 7:40), I’m in go- mode! I know my to-do list is a mile long, and I have less than an hour to get it done!! I did manage to snap a picture of one of the literacy centers we did today…

I love these sandpaper letters, as I have SO many kinesthetic learners in my kindergarten class! I feel like ALL students love to touch and feel things at this age! The task was to take turns making words out of the sandpaper letters for a partner, and have the other person try to guess what word you made! Earlier this year, we just did letters, so I wanted to amp it up a bit for my high-flyers!!
Later in the morning, we have math centers. We do four centers each day, two with teachers, two independent. I think it works really well, so they are getting lots of small-group math teaching, and time to practice the important concepts they are learning!

After math, comes either science or history, depending on the week. This week, I’m teaching on Moses and how the Israelites were slaves in Egypt. So as a hands-on part of our lesson, we each made some small playdough “bricks” and made a pyramid together! Simple, low-prep, but meaningful!

This afternoon, we did a telling time review activity- SCOOT style! It was a great way for me to assess who really understands the concepts we’ve taught, and who needs some extra reteaching!!

After school, when I get home, I do Zumba with two of my housemates! It’s a great workout, and, though most days I’d rather be doing ANYTHING else, I feel SO good afterwards, and I’m seeing some great results from working out 4-5x a week and eating healthy!

Speaking of clean eating, after my workout, it’s dinner time!! One of my friends found this AWESOME recipe online for a pizza crust made with egg and cheese instead of bread! The best part is that it really tastes good, and it doesn’t make the pizza taste like an omelette! Let me know if you want me to do a post on the recipe! It’s really easy and fast, which is important to me!

I’ll end today’s post with a “Living in Tanzania” moment! We were getting ready to work out this evening, when our guard/groundskeeper comes to the door. I meet him there and he hands me this HUGE papaya, and says, “This is from your papaya tree!” Yes, I have a papaya tree in my yard (I didn’t know that until today), and yes, this papaya is about the size of a 1.5 liter bottle of water!!

Thanks for coming along with me today! Hopefully I’ll be a bit better tomorrow capturing more snapshots of life here!! I’m excited to share more with you! If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? Let me know down in the comments!! 🙂
Much Love, Allie