Helloooo February! I’m looking forward to what you have in store, and working towards meeting my goals I’ve set this year! January was a good start, and I’m excited to keep up the momentum! You will be filled with lots of fun- our 100th Day of School, the Kilimanjaro Marathon, and lots of adventures. It would be nice if you could allow us even one day off of school, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen, as the temperatures are staying around 90 degrees, and spring break is still six and a half weeks away. But with each new month comes new adventures, so let’s do this thing!!
Listening: I’ve been Netflix-marathoning Once Upon a Time whenever I can since Christmas break and I love it! I’m not usually a sci-fi fan, but when you mix in some Disney, I’m all for it!
Loving: Snapchat has totally caught my attention and I love it! I have a personal one and a teachery one- follow me at thegypsyteacher! Also, I’ve been teaching my kiddos all about ancient egypt the past week and a half, and we’re having so much fun learning about it and exploring! Today, we wrapped them into TP mummies!!
Thinking: I’m seeing all these Facebook posts about snow, blizzards, and snow days, and the temperature just keeps increasing here! I’d love a break from the heat, and of course, a day off would be nice too!!
Wanting: We found out a couple weeks ago that we (the teachers that I live with and myself) will be moving into a new house in March. At first, I was bummed to leave this location, because it’s so convenient but nice and tucked away from the busy streets. But now, I’m super excited to move! This new home will be even more convenient, and I’m ready to make the switch! Unfortunately, we will have to wait another month and a half.
Needing: So, starting January 1st, I made it my goal to cut out all soda. It’s never been something I’ve depended on, but it was nice to have when going out to eat, or as an end-of-the-day treat. But, I know it’s not good for me, so I decided to cut it out for GOOD! And, I did! I have not had one sip of soda since December 31st. I’m really proud of that and am going to keep at it! But, I did NOT stick to my workout schedule this month, and I need to get on that for the month of February!
Swooning: Last week, at a grocery store in town, I discovered Cadbury Dairy Milk Cashew and Coconut chocolate bars. HOLY GUACAMOLE. One word: ahhh-mazing! My new favorite chocolate on this side of the globe!
Thanks to Farley for the awesome link up!
How was your January?! Are you excited for the new month?! What are you swooning over, currently?!
Much Love, Allie