Hello everyone! Long time no blog…sorry about that! Life is busier than busy and is just flying by! I can’t believe we only have three more weeks of school until Christmas break! The end is in sight! 🙂 Today I’m going to recap my week- Five for Friday style!

1. The many Towers of Babel
This week our theme in Kindergarten was the Tower of Babel. We did LOTS with this topic- I was actually pleasantly surprised to find TONS of great ideas on the web for this lesson. We made so many towers-

2. Thanksgiving
It definitely does NOT feel like Thanksgiving happened this week! The temperatures here are heating up more and more, and I’m definitely missing my midwest fall! We did, however, have a Thanksgiving feast- lots of Americans gathered together to celebrate Thanksgiving Thursday afternoon. I made apple crisp 🙂 (my favorite). Of course, I forgot to take pictures :/ Oh well #moreimportantthingstodo #eatallthefood #dessertismyfavorite #caloriesdontcount 😀
3. Animal Day
The last Wednesday of every month we have chapel with the whole school, versus just Nursery-1st grade. On these days we prepare some sort of skit, song, etc. to present that goes along with the memory verse of the month. We also have a dress up day! This time, it was Dress like an Animal day! I dressed like a giraffe, and we made masks so our whole class could be animals! It was so fun!

4. Purple “Snow”
We have PURPLE snow here in Tanzania at Christmas- well, it sure looks that way as all the beautiful Jacaranda blooms are falling!

5. #TiredTeacher
It’s been a BUSY few weeks, and I’ve been going pretty much nonstop. And for an introverted teacher like me, there comes a time when I need some R & R. So I have declared this weekend as my “Me Time” weekend. It started today with a walk to the huge outdoor clothes market, for a look around for Christmas-y fabrics. Then I walked to a nearby restaurant for dinner and to read my new book. Finally, I walked to a friend’s house for a worship night! It was a glorious afternoon :). FYI my new book is called Eve. It’s kind of a sequel to The Shack, but very different. And right now, it’s on an amazing sale, for just $1.99!

I have been pretty jealous of all you teachers with a Thanksgiving break! We got a half-day for Thanksgiving, but had school again on Friday. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Make sure to stay up-to-date with me…on Instagram! I post on there a lot more than on here ~ find me at @alliethegypsyteacher.
What have you been up to lately? How was your Thanksgiving?!
Much Love, Allie