Teachers- this post is especially for you!
For some reason it seems to me that the fall goes by super fast, but by the time we get to Jan/Feb/Mar time slows down to snail speed. Maybe it’s the weather, all the inside recesses, antsy kids, but that’s how I feel. So, I’m always looking for ways to go out of the box in teaching, managing, and growing the kids. Today, I’m going to talk to you about the ways you can jump out of the box in your classroom or home, Bath and Body Works Style.
(Working there definitely has its benefits!)
1. Shimmer Fizz
This stuff is pretty much the most fun body care ever! It goes on like a mousse, and when you rub your hand on your skin, it fizzes and crackles! It’s sparkly and goes on cold. It’s like pop rocks for your skin! The girls CAN’T GET ENOUGH of it and neither can I!
How can you use this? Well, you could use it as a management tool/incentive. “One pump if your table stays in green for so long”. Or something like that.
Another idea is you could use it to teach adjectives! How does it feel? What does it look like? etc.
And I know what you’re thinking, WHAT ABOUT THE BOYS? Well, I’m getting to that, but secretly, they know they love it too!
2. Pocketbacs
Pocketbacs are the little mini hand sanitizers that every kid loves! They fit in your pocket, or on one of the holders that is GREAT for backpacks and purses. They clean your hands, and we have all kinds of scents!
These with a $.50 holder would be a great back-to-school gift for each student, to keep on/in/by their desk or backpack. They also would be a huge hit in your class store or reward bin. The great thing is once you buy 5 of them, their $1 each!
Clean hands and happy kids = match made in teacher heaven!
3. Body Lotions
I love all the different fragrances they have for your hands! They keep them soft during the dry months and transport you!
This could be used as a whole class treat, maybe as a reward for an exit slip activity. Also, definitely needed for YOU!
4. Wallflower Plug-Ins
We all know that so much of student cooperation comes from the atmosphere. Use the plug-ins to fragrance your classroom with something calming!
I hope you have some luck using some of these in your classroom to help you get through the wintry months!

Ok, even though I'm not a teacher (or kid) I really want the Shimmer Fizz! I love pop rocks, and so that would be awesome to try.